Installing EMAC OE 5.0 SDK

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If you are installing the SDK using the ADT Installer (Automatic Install), dependencies will be automatically installed for the supported distributions: Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE. If you are installing the SDK manually or using a non-supported distribution, you will have to install the dependencies manually.

Procedure (Automatic Install)

  1. Download the ADT Installer. (Right click, save link as)

  2. Change to the directory where the ADT Installer was downloaded from the command line:

    developer@ldc:~# cd ~/Downloads
  3. Make the file executable:

    developer@ldc:~# chmod +x emac_adt_installer
  4. Run ADT Installer script:

    developer@ldc:~# ./emac_adt_installer

    The installer will start.

  5. Watch for errors:

    # Met Errors when installing EMAC ADT! Please check log file for details.
  6. Enter the development user's password if prompted. Allow the installer to install dependencies.

  7. Enter the number for board that you have and are installing the sdk for.

    Please enter the number for the board needed.
    1. 9x25, 9g25, 9g45
    2. 3354, 3517, imx6
    3. a5d35, ad5d36
    4. Vortex-SIB, PMX
    5. Atom-SIB

  8. The ADT Installer will then display what is to be installed. You may now choose to exit the installation, or continue if the displayed information is correct.

  9. Once the installation of the sdk completes, the ADT Installer will ask whether or not to install Qt Creator.

    Would you like to install Qt Creator? [y/N]?

    • Qt Creator is the IDE that EMAC provides with our SDK to allow users to easily cross compile projects and upload them to their boards.

    • If you chose to install Qt creator, the installer will then ask you whether or not you would like to place the icon on the desktop.

  10. If the installation finishes, status text will appear:
    # EMAC ADT has been successfully installed.

Procedure (Manual Install)

  1. Download the SDK. The latest version can be found on the EMAC FTP site. Download the SDK that matches the architecture of your target system. (Right click, save link as)

  2. Change to the directory where the SDK was downloaded from the command line:

    developer@ldc:~# cd ~/Downloads
  3. Run SDK installer script:

    developer@ldc:~# ./

    The installer will start. It is recommended to select the default target directory for the SDK: /opt/emac/5.X

  4. Press enter to proceed.

  5. Enter your password if prompted.

  6. Status text will appear:

    Extracting SDK...done
    Setting it up...done
    SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.

Next Steps