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The <code>atod_test</code> C example project demonstrates reading the channels of an ''indexed atod device''.
The <code>atod_test</code> C example project demonstrates reading the channels of an indexed atod device.

Revision as of 16:22, 11 December 2013

TODO: {{#todo:in-progress(11.13.13-12:59->JG+)|Jgreene|oe 4,oe 5,jg,md,Review}}

This is a guide to the atod_test C example project included in the EMAC OE SDK.

This application reads all channels of an indexed atod device and reports the values read from those channels to the console. Examples of this type of device are the processor AtoDs on the SoM-9260/9G20 and the IPAC-9302; and the mcp3208 external AtoD devices on the SoM-150ES carrier (see hardware requirements, below).

The atod_test project builds one executable: indexed_atod_test.

Opening, Building and Uploading the Project Files

1. Open the C/C++ editing perspective.


2. Open the project files.


3. Build the project.


4. Upload the executables to the target system.


Usage and Behavior

Hardware Requirements

The atod_test project requires a device with indexed atod functionality, ie: A SoM-9260, a SoM-9G20 or an IPAC-9302.
You can also use a SoM-150ES carrier (using the mcp3208 external AtoD device through /dev/mcp3208-gpio. (This interface uses the EMAC ioex class to provide a GPIO-like device where each channel can be read directly.(see also the egpc project)).

Using atod_test

indexed_atod_test DEVICE CHANNELS

Where DEVICE is the path to the device to read and CHANNELS is the number of channels to read.

Usage Example

root@som9g20:/tmp# ./indexed_atod_test /dev/indexed_atod 4
[0] = 19
[1] = 76
[2] = 18
[3] = 22


The atod_test C example project demonstrates reading the channels of an indexed atod device.