Example fbench

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Revision as of 10:33, 14 November 2013 by Jgreene (talk | contribs) (What it does)
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This procedure provides an overview of how to compile and run the fbench C example project. It assumes familiarity with the C programming language and is intended to be used by experienced programmers who are looking to learn the EMAC SDK.

1. Open the C/C++ editing perspective

2. Open the egpc project

3. Build, upload and run

What it does

This is a benchmarking program for determining floating point accuracy and performance. This project creates 2 programs : fbench and ffbench. fbench benchmarks using one algorithm, ffbench uses another. See project comments for details.

Usage for fbench:

fbench <itercount>
Where <itercount> is an optional specification for the number of iterations to be executed, 1000 being the default.
i.e. : ./fbench 123

It runs until it is finished and then outputs the results to the terminal. hey mike fbench appears to have a bug or something. fbench is supposed to finish and output some results but it just keeps running. It also gives me a funny message at one point "Measured run time in seconds should be divided by 0". Strange. maybe the board is just slow, I dunno. You want me to track down the problem in the code?

Usage for ffbench:

ffbench i.e. : ./ffbench

It runs until it is finished and then outputs to the terminal whether or not errors were detected in it's results.