Example mcp4922 test

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This procedure provides an overview of how to compile and run the mcp4922_test C example project. It assumes familiarity with the C programming language and is intended to be used by experienced programmers who are looking to learn the EMAC SDK.

1. Open the C/C++ editing perspective

2. Open the mcp4922_test project

3. Build, upload and run

What it does

This is an example application for accessing the EMAC interface for the on-board DtoA of the SoM-150ES. This interface uses the EMAC ioex class to provide a GPIO-like interface (see also the egpc project). This application outputs a sine wave on channel 0 and a cosine wave on channel 1.

Usage for mcp4922_test


ie: ./mcp4922_test

You'll get the signal on the analog out port. Pin 15 is analog out 0 and pin 16 is analog out 1. GND is 1,2,17,18. Range is 5V. You'll need an oscilloscope and a board schematic.