Example pthread hello

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Revision as of 14:45, 11 December 2013 by Jgreene (talk | contribs) (Opening, Building and Uploading the Project Files)
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This is a guide to the pthread_hello C example project included in the EMAC OE SDK.

This is a simple pthreads example application. A number of pthread nodes are created and each reports its existence by printing a hello message to the console.

The term pthread refers to POSIX Threads, a POSIX standard for threads.

The pthread_hello project builds one executable: p_hello.

Opening, Building and Uploading the Project Files

1. Open the C/C++ editing perspective.


2. Open the project files.


3. Build the project.


4. Upload the executables to the target system.


Usage and Behavior

Hardware Requirements

The pthread_hello C example project has no special hardware requirements. It should run just fine on any system for which the project files can be successfully compiled.

Using pthread_hello

./p_hello n

where n is number of threads

Usage Example

root@PPCE7:/tmp# ./p_hello 3
Hello from node 0
Hello from node 2
Hello from node 1


The pthread_hello C example project demonstrates how to use pthreads. For another example of pthread usage see example pthread demo.