Example serport212

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This is a guide to the serport212 C example project included in the EMAC OE SDK.

This application is a SOM212ES serial combo port configuration tool. It sets or gets the configuration of the serial combo port on a SOM212ES carrier board.

Also included in the project directory is a BASH version of this tool: serport212.bash. It performs the same functions and takes the same command parameters as the C executable version.

The serport212 project builds one executable: serport212.

Opening, Building and Uploading the Project Files

1. Open the C/C++ editing perspective.


2. Open the project files.


3. Build the project.


4. Upload the executables to the target system.


Usage and Behavior

serport212 gets or sets the configuration of the serial combo port on a SOM212ES carrier board.

Hardware Requirements

The serport212 C example project must be run on a SOM212ES carrier board.

Using serport212

./serport212 [-sg] [CONFIG]

Where CONFIG is a valid serial port configuration specification: 232, 422 or 485

(--set) -s [CONFIG] Set Serial Port Configuration
(--get) -g Get Serial Port Configuration