LILO Overview

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TODO: {{#todo:In Progress(11.27.13-01:00->MD+)|Mike Dean|oe 4,oe 5,md,InProgress}}

The LInux LOader - LILO

LILO is a bootloader which was created for Linux. LILO was the default bootloader used for most desktop and server distributions for many years. It is still used on x86 embedded systems because it provides everything an embedded system needs to boot into embedded Linux.

Using LILO

When LILO is installed on a drive or partition, LILO will provide a menu at boot time. This menu typically shows a list of available operating system kernels and/or operating systems from which a user may select. On embedded systems, this menu is typically streamlined down to a very simple interface.

When LILO is configured with a timeout, as it usually is, a user may simply wait for the duration of the timeout for LILO to boot the operating system and kernel which have been configured as default for the system. If the user doesn't wish for the default to boot, the user may press the enter key before the timeout duration has expired to access alternative options.

TODO: boot a system which has LILO, describe this in more depth and provide example terminal output.

Installing LILO

Installing Onto the Local Machine

Before LILO can be used to boot a system, it must be installed on the boot device. It must also be reinstalled any time the configuration is changed, or the new configuration will not take effect. Fortunately, installing LILO is easy.

The easiest way to install LILO on the local system's Master Boot Record with the default configuration file (/etc/lilo.conf), is to type:

root@oe:/# lilo

Unfortunately, you probably don't normally want to install LILO this way. This method works well for desktops and servers, but is often not what you want on an embedded system. There are exceptions, though, such as when you are working in a console on the embedded machine itself, and it has the LILO configuration in /etc/lilo.conf. If you have the configuration file somewhere else, however, you will need to type:

root@oe:/# lilo -C /etc/alternate_lilo_configuration_file.conf

The -C (capital C) switch tells lilo to use the configuration file specified after the switch when installing itself.

Installing LILO Onto a Removable Drive

Unfortunately, the last method shown above is still not what you need to do when your embedded machine's root drive is not in the running embedded system. If you have a Compact Flash disk, for instance, containing your Linux filesystem, and it is mounted on your desktop Linux development machine, you will need to jump through a few hoops to install the bootloader onto the Compact Flash card. This method is usually necessary when you don't yet have a bootable disk for your embedded machine.

The following steps will need to be performed to install LILO onto a removable drive:

  1. Mount the drive.

    On many Linux desktops, a memory card will be automounted when it is inserted. While this is a nice convenience feature for most users, it comes at the expense of developers. This automount feature can be a source of frustration for those who haven't already found a way around the issues it causes.

    Fortunately, we at EMAC have already found a method which works reliably on our recommended Linux distribution, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and have documented it here. On other systems, such as Debian, a workaround may not be needed. If your system does not automount, see below.

    Workaround for Ubuntu's Automounter
    1. Insert the flash card into your card reader, and wait for the file browser window to appear. If a messagebox appears asking you to choose what to do, tell it to open a file browser for browsing the files on the card.

    2. Keep the file browser window open, and stash it away for later use.

    3. Open a terminal and create a /mnt/cfcard directory, if it does not exist: user@ubuntu:/# mkdir /mnt/cfcard

    4. Find out the device name of the card by looking for where the card was mounted. The file browser window will list the name of the card under Devices in the left pane. Often times, the name will be EMAC_OE. Look for this name in the output of the df command:
      user@ubuntu:/# df -hT | grep EMAC
      /dev/sdb1                       ext3      3.7G  223M  3.3G   7% /media/EMAC_OE
    5. From the output of this command, we can see that the /media/EMAC_OE mountpoint was mounted onto the /dev/sdb1 device. Therefore, this is the device in which we're interested.

    6. Mount the device on the directory from step i, without unmounting it first:
      user@ubuntu:/# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/cfcard
    7. Now, switch to the root user account (if you aren't already root) and copy the device node files into the destination filesystem. The device node file will be needed so that LILO will be able to talk to the flash card. NOTE: Use your user's password to switch to root if you use the method shown here:
      user@ubuntu:/# sudo su
      [sudo] password for user: 
      root@ubuntu:/# cd /mnt/cfcard
      root@ubuntu:/mnt/cfcard# cp -a /dev/sdb* dev/
    8. Now, use the chroot command to make the directory where you mounted the card the effective root directory for your terminal session:
      root@ubuntu:/mnt/cfcard# chroot .
    9. Now that you're effectively running inside the filesystem on the flash card, you are able to run LILO to install the bootloader. First, be sure to double check to ensure that the configuration file you're using points to the correct device node (in this example, /dev/sdb1) so that you don't overwrite the bootloader on your desktop. If you overwrite the bootloader on your desktop, it will render your desktop system unbootable! So, make sure to double check first.

    10. When you are sure you're using the right device node, run LILO to install the bootloader:
      root@ubuntu:/# lilo -C /etc/lilo.conf.boot
      Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not exist, disk scan bypassed
      Added emac-oe *
      One warning was issued.
      The warning, in this case, is normal. It appears because you're in a fake "running system," which means the virtual files in the /proc/ filesystem aren't mounted and able to provide information; hence, the non-existence of the /proc/partitions file.
    11. Now, you need to umount the device:
      root@ubuntu:/# exit
      root@ubuntu:/mnt/cfcard# cd ..
      root@ubuntu:/mnt# umount cfcard
      root@ubuntu:/mnt# exit
    12. Retrieve the file browser you stashed away earlier, and unmount the automounted directory for the card by clicking on the eject symbol next to the name of the device in the left pane.

    It is now safe to eject the card and put it into your embedded machine.
    Installing on Linux Systems Which do not Automount the Card