Micropython Bluemix

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Bluemix is a cloud computing service developed by IBM.

Bluemix has the capabilities to host a variety of services from web services to crypto-currencies.

This Wiki contains information on how to use the methods that EMAC has developed for Micropython to interact with IBM Bluemix IoT.

EMAC methods for Micropython with IBM Bluemix

class Bluemix:

    • This class provides a tailored interface to the MQTTClient class, for the purpose of connecting to the IBM Bluemix IoT service. It is imported from the 'bluemix' module. The following is an example usage.
    • client = bluemix.Bluemix(ORG, DEVICE_ID, DEVICE_TYPE, AUTH_TOKEN)
      msg = '{d:{value:"42"}}'
      client.publish('desired/topic/to/use', msg)