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{{todo|Polish this and mark it as OE 4|Michael Gloff|project=oe 4,oe 5,mg}}
The Remote Systems Explorer is a useful tool for implementing remote development on EMAC products. It does require some initial setup, however. This page will guide developers through the process of selecting the RSE perspective and using it to create a connection in the Remote Systems View.
The Remote Systems Explorer is a useful tool for implementing remote development on EMAC products. It does require some initial setup, however. This page will guide developers through the process of selecting the RSE perspective and using it to create a connection in the Remote Systems View.

Revision as of 23:05, 1 October 2013

TODO: {{#todo:Polish this and mark it as OE 4|Michael Gloff|oe 4,oe 5,mg}}

The Remote Systems Explorer is a useful tool for implementing remote development on EMAC products. It does require some initial setup, however. This page will guide developers through the process of selecting the RSE perspective and using it to create a connection in the Remote Systems View.

Open the RSE Perspective

The first step to any task involving remote application development, execution, or debugging is to open the RSE Perspective. Follow the steps below to begin this process.


  1. Open the Eclipse application
  2. Select Window -> Open Perspective -> Other...
  3. Select Remote System Explorer as shown in Figure 1. The list of available perspectives may differ depending on which plugins are installed in Eclipse.
Figure 1: Open Perspective Dialog

Create a Remote Connection

This set of configuration steps assumes that Eclipse has the RSE Perspective active.


  1. Right-click the blank space in the Remote Systems view
  2. Select New -> Connection... in the context menu to bring up the Select Remote System Type dialog as shown in Figure 2.
  3. Select General -> SSH Only and click Next >.
    Figure 2: Select Remote System Type
  4. Using Figure 3 as a guide, enter the following information:
    1. Enter the IP address or host name of the target board in the Host name: field
    2. Optionally, enter a Connection name and Description
    3. Leave all other options set to their defaults
      Figure 3: Remote SSH Only System Connection
  5. Click Finish. Once the remote connection is created, the Eclipse workbench should appear as shown in Figure 4 below.
    Figure 4: Initial RSE Perspective With New Connection

Initiate an RSE Connection

To use the new connection to the remote machine:

  1. Right-click on the new connection in the Remote Systems View. The one created in the above section is highlighted in red in Figure 4.
  2. Select Connect
  3. Set the User ID to the user you wish to use on the remote system. The default user for EMAC products is root.
  4. Set the Password for the user chosen in the previous step. The default password for the default EMAC user is emac_inc.

Once connected, the Properties View and the Remote System Details View will be updated to reflect the remote system's details. This is shown below in Figure 5. Note that the Remote System Details View also shows information about local host connections.

Figure 5: RSE Perspective With Active Connection

Figure 5 has the Properties View highlighted in red and the Remote System Details View highlighted in blue. The Properties View provides information about, but no control over, the remote system whereas the Remote System Details View provides control in the form of the same connection context menu available in the Remote Systems View.

Next Steps

Learn more about RSE by following the RSE SFTP setup guide.