Template:EMAC OE SDK Conventions

From wiki.emacinc.com
Revision as of 15:10, 17 May 2013 by Mcoleman (talk | contribs) (combining multi-article conventions)
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Table 1: Conventions
/download/directory/ Placeholder indicating the directory to which the SDK archive will be downloaded.
/path/to/sdk/ Placeholder indicating the directory to which the SDK will be extracted.
XX is the major version
YY is the minor version
ZZ is the current revision
The major and minor version numbers will match the version of OE for which the SDK is created.
target_program When debugging, the program being debugged. This is the result of the Makefile process
target_machine Connection information for the target machine. This can either be a serial port (ie. /dev/ttyS2) or a TCP connection in the form of HOST:PORT.
Prompt and commands to be run on a development machine that will run compliation tasks.
Prompt and commands to be run on a target machine.