X Windows

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The X Windows System (also known as X11, X, and X-Windows) is a windowing system, common on Linux and Unix-like operating systems. X provides the basic framework for a windowed GUI environment. Drawing and moving windows on the display as well as interacting with the keyboard and mouse are handled by X.


The following list is a collection of common X utilities included on the Standard EMAC OE builds.

  • xdpyinfo

    Xdpyinfo is a utility for displaying information about the X server.
  • xinit

    Xinit is the utility that is used to start the X server .
  • xkbcomp

    Xkbcomp is a keymap compiler that is most commonly used to create a .xkm keymap file to be read by X servers or utilities.
  • xmodmap

    Xmodmap is a utility that is used for modifying keymaps.
  • xrandr

    Xrandr is used to set the size, orientation and/or reflection of the outputs for a screen.
  • xsreensaver

    The xscreensaver program waits until the keyboard and mouse have been idle for a period, and then runs a graphics demo chosen at random.
  • xset

    Xset is used to set various user preference options of the display.
  • xterm

    The xterm program is a terminal emulator for the X Window System.
  • xtscal

    Xtscal calibrates the touchscreen on an X system.
  • xinput

    Xinput is a utility to list available input devices, query information about a device and change input device settings.

Please refer to the man pages for each command to get specific instructions and options:

developer@ldc:~# man <command>

SSH X Forwarding

While using SSH to access a system running the X Windows System, it is possible to have any X windows generated by the remote system appear on the local machine. To connect to the system at the IP address with X forwarding, enter the following command:

developer@ldc:~# ssh -X user@

Other than the -X option, the procedure for logging in is the same as that listed on the System Login Page.

To verify that X forwarding is enabled, the following command may be entered:

user@emac-oe:~# xclock &

This will open a small analog clock in a window on the host machine. The window can be closed after verifying the correct functionality.


The following are links to detailed documentation relating to the X Windows System.



X Development

See Also
