Xenomai RTCAN

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General Information

Xenomai provides a RTDM profile for CAN device drivers enabling real-time CAN communication. The driver exposes a real-time interface similar to the standard SocketCAN interface. Xenomai provides several user-space tools to enable simple interface testing. The following sections will provide the information needed to load the CAN driver, configure the interface, and communicate using the command line utilities provided with Xenomai.

Xenomai RTCAN

Loading the driver

If a Linux driver has already been associated with the CAN interfaces it is required to unload the standard Linux driver or unbind that device for the driver.

If the standard Linux CAN driver is built as a module, the module can just be unloaded using rmmod.

root@somimx6-xenomai:/usr/demo# lsmodModule                  Size  Used by
can_raw                 6668  0 
can                    28850  1 can_raw
rt_fec                 14450  0 
rtnet                  51349  1 rt_fec
fec                    37316  0 
flexcan                 9971  0 
can_dev                11309  1 flexcan

root@somimx6-xenomai:~# rmmod flexcan


Further Information

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