EMAC Example Projects
Example Projects
- The 'atod_test' example project
- The 'brightness' example project (under review)
- The 'can' example project (under construction)
- The 'egpc' example project
- The 'fbench' example project
- The 'getkey' example project
- The 'hello' example project
- The 'i2c test' example project
- The 'io demo' example project
- The 'libgpiod io' example project
- The 'ipac_led' example project (under construction)
- The 'mcp4922 test' example project
- The 'pthread demo' example project
- The 'pthread hello' example project
- The 'serial test' example project (under review)
- The 'serport212' example project
- The 'sights-and-sounds' example project (under construction)
- The 'socket' example project
- The 'SoM-150es-keyboard-lcd' example project (under construction)
- The 'spi test' example project
- The 'timer' example project
- The 'watchdog' example project