EMAC Example Projects
From wiki.emacinc.com
Example Projects
- CAN - demonstrates the use of the CAN bus
- 'fbench' - a floating point benchmark which tests the accuracy and speed of floating point operations on the target systems
- 'getkey' - demonstrates how to use a keypad with a SoM150ES carrier board
- 'hello' - basic "hello world" project
- 'i2c test' - writes and reads bytes to a selected register on the I²C device
- 'libgpiod io' [OE5.X] - covers basic GPIO usage for the IPAC single board computer, and 150 and 200 series carrier boards
- 'pthread demo' - demonstrates how to use pthreads
- 'serial' - application performs an asynchronous IO test on the specified serial device using either poll or FASYNC mode.
- 'socket' - demonstrates how to set up host and client node sockets on an Ethernet network
- 'spi test' - demonstrates how to use a 12 bit A/D converter chip (mcp3208) with SPI Serial Interface
- 'timer' - demonstrates how to use the software timer
- 'watchdog' - demonstrates how to use the watchdog timer (a hardware circuit that can reset the computer system in case of a software fault)
Example Projects Specific to the EMAC SDK 4.X
- 'atod_test' - demonstrates reading the channels of an indexed AtoD device
- 'io demo' - provides four demos using SOM-150ES carrier board I/O
- 'egpc' - demonstrates reading, writing and configuring the GPIO ports
- 'mcp4922 test' - demonstrates how to access the on-board DtoA of an EMAC SoM-150ES carrier board
Example Projects for Specific Products